Awards & Recognitions

  • Society Leadership Award, American Society of Nepalese Engineers, June 2017
  • Editor-in-Chief, Proceedings of the 15th  Biennial ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in
    Challenging Environments (Earth & Space 2016), published by ASCE, Reston, VA; 9780784479971.
  • Symposium Keynote address,2016 Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) International Conference, Metz, France; October 25-28, 2016
  • Elected Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), September 2015
  • Editor-in-Chief, “Earthquake Preparedness and Disaster Relief in Nepal- A Position Paper, published by American Society of Nepalese Engineers (ASNEngr), America
    Nepal Medical Foundation (ANMF), and Computer Association of Nepal-USA (CAN-USA), May 2015 ISBN 978-0-9909576-0-7
  • Honorable Mention (2ndBest paper award),  2014 Journal of Aerospace Engineering,  ASCE, Reston VA for paper: Malla, R. B., Anandakumar, G., and Ahn, J, “Experimental, Numerical, and Analytical Studies of Stress and Displacement in Full-Scale Beds of Activated Alumina Granular Material for Space Life-Support Systems,”Journal of Aerospace
    27(2), 2014,  336–346. (Awarded at the ASCE ASD Earth & Space 2016 conference, Orlando, FL; April 14, 2016)
  • Outstanding Technical Contribution Award, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Aerospace Division -2012 ( Award received at the ASCE ASD Earth &
    Space 2014 Conference, St. Louis, MO; October 27-29, 2014).(The award is given to an individual in recognition of distinguished achievements in aerospace engineering
    that are applicable to any branch of civil engineering, and “for contributing substantially to advancing the state of the art in aerospace engineering, sciences and
    technology, and space exploration and construction with application to civil engineering.”).
  • Founding President, American Society of Nepalese Engineers, July 2007- June 2012
  • Co-Editor, Proceedings of the  12th, 13th, and 14th,  Biennial ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Construction and Operations in
    Challenging Environments (Earth & Space  2010, 2012, and 2014), published by ASCE, Reston, VA.
  • Technical Program Chair, 51st AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, April 12-15, 2010.
  • Editor-in-Chief, Proceedings of the 9th and 10th  Biennial ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Construction and Operations in
    Challenging Environments (Earth & Space 2004 and , 2006), , published by ASCE, Reston, VA.
  • Faculty Research Fellow, NASA/Connecticut Space Grant College Consortium, 2009.
  • Invited Review Panel, Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnership, National Science Foundation, August 2007.
  • 2005 Outstanding Professional Service Award, Aerospace Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
  • Invited Review Panel, Division of Industrial Innovations and Partnership, National Science Foundation, August 2007. General Chair, 10th ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments (Earth & Space 2006),  League City/Houston, TX; March 05-08, 2006
  • Chair, Student Papers Competition, 46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials (SDM) Conference,
    Austin, TX, April 18-21, 2005.
  • Official Citation from General Assembly, State of Connecticut in Recognition of significant volunteer support to the Connecticut Invention Convention (CIC), May 01, 2004.
  • General Chair, 9th ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments (Earth & Space 2004),  League City/Houston, TX; March 07-10, 2004.
  • Chair, Executive Committee, ASCE Aerospace Division (2001-2002).
  • Associate Editor, AIAA/Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets (1996-2001).
  • Guest Editor, ASCE/Journal of Aerospace Engineering, April 1998.
  • President’s Award for Promoting Multiculturalism and Affirmative Action, Univ. of Connecticut, May 1996.
  • Chancellor’s Award, ASCE Student Chapter (Faculty Advisor: R. Malla), Univ. of Connecticut, May 1996.
  • External Examiner, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Queens Land, Brisbane, Australia, 1996, 2003.
  • NASA/OAI Certificate of Recognition for Research, NASA Lewis (1993).
  • Co-Founder, Connecticut Space Grant College Consortium (1991).
  • Mahendra Bidya Bhushan – Gold medal and certificate for Academic Achievement from the King of Nepal (1987).
  • Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honor Society (1983).