
(A) Volumes Edited, Reports, Books, and Book Chapters:

Malla, R.. B., Goldberg, R.K, and Roberts, A.D. (Editors), Earth & Space 2018 – Engineering for Extreme Environments Engineering, (Proceedings of the 16th Biennial ASCE Aerospace Div. International Conf. on Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments -Earth & Space 2018 Conference held in Cleveland, OH: April 09-12,2018). Proceedings, published by ASCE, Reston, VA; Nov. 2018;  1260 pages (approx.) (ISBN 978-0-7844-8189-9), (CD ROM)

Malla, R. B. (PI), Jacobs, D., Dhakal, S., and Baniya, S. “Dynamic Impact Factors on Existing Long-span Railroad Bridges,” Rail Safety Project – 25 Final Report, Transportation Research Board, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicines, Washington D.C., February 2017, 40 pages. (Online –

Malla, R. B. (PI), Shaw, M. (co-PI), and Kruszewski, D., “Effective Sealing and Monitoring of Small Movement Expansion Joints in Connecticut Bridges,”JHR 17-329,CCTRP 15-02 Project Final report (submitted to the Connecticut Department of Transportation/Joint Highway Research Council (JHRAC), Newington, CT, March 2017); published by National Technical Information Service Springfield, Virginia 22161; March 2017, 79 pages.

Malla, R.. B., Agui, J., and van Susante, P., (Editors), Earth & Space 2016 – Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments, (Proceedings of the 15th Biennial ASCE Aerospace Div. International  Conf. on Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments -Earth  & Space 2016) held in Orlando, FL, April 11-15, 2016) . Proceedings published by ASCE, Reston, VA; Dec. 2016; 1154 pages  ISBN 9780784479971 (online:

Malla, R.B., Kayastha, K., Sharma, S., and Ojha, S. (Editors),Earthquake Preparedness and Disaster Relief in Nepal- A Position Paper, published by American Society of Nepalese Engineers (ASNEngr), America Nepal Medical Foundation (ANMF), and Computer Association of Nepal-USA (CAN-USA), May 2015, 114 pages; ISBN – ISBN 978-0-9909576-0-7; U.S. Library of Congress Control number: 2015933063 (Online URL:

Gertsch, L. and Malla, R. B.. (Editors),Earth & Space 2014 – Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments,(Proceedings, 14th Biennial ASCE Aerospace Div. Internat. Conf. on Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments (Earth  & Space 2014) held at St Louis, MO; October 26-29, 2014. Proceedings, published by ASCE, Reston, VA; June 2015, 728 pages (ISBN 978-0-7844-7917-9). (online:

Zacny, K., Malla, R. B., and Binienda, W.  (Editors),Earth & Space 2012 – Engineering, Science,  Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments,(Proceedings, 13th ASCE Aerospace Div. Internat. Conf. on Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments (Earth  & Space 2012) and  5thNASA/ARO/ASCE Workshop on Granular Materials in Space Exploration held  at Pasadena, CA, April 15-18, 2012); published by ASCE, Reston, VA, April 2012; 1590 pages, ISBN 978-0-7844-1219-0  (CD ROM)(Online:

Malla, R.B., Shaw, M., Swanson, B., and Gionet, T., “NETC 02-6: Sealing of Small Movement Bridge Expansion Joints-Phase II: Field Demonstration and Monitoring,”NETCR -86 Final Report (Project number: NETC 02-6 Phase 2), New England Transportation Consortium, Fall River, MA; July 31, 2011, 132 pages. (

Song, G. and Malla, R. B. (Editors),Earth & Space 2010 – Engineering, Science,  Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments,(Proceedings, 12thASCE Aerospace Div. Internat. Conf. on Engineering, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments (Earth  & Space 2006) and  4thNASA/ARO/ASCE Workshop on Granular Materials in Lunar and Martian Environments, Honolulu, HI, March 14-17, 2010); published by ASCE, Reston, VA, March 2010; ISBN 978-0-7844-1096-7 (CD ROM).

Malla, R. , Brown, K., and Filburn, T. “Design of Human Habitat with Efficient Life Support and Environmental Control System for Lunar Colonization,”Project report, NASA/Ralph Steckler/Space Grant Space Colonization Research and Development Opportunity Program, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX. Oct. 13, 2010, 59 pages.

Malla, R., Shaw, M., Shrestha, M., and Boob, S., “Sealing Small Movement Bridge Expansion Joints,”  NETCR-58,Final NETC 02-6 Project Report, New England Transportation Consortium,  Fall River, MA;  June 29, 2006, 112 pages.(

Malla, R. B., and Joshi, S., “Establish Subgrade Support Values for Typical Subs in New England,”NETCR-57, Final NETC 02-3 Project Report, New England Transportation Consortium, Fall River, MA;  April 10, 2006, 1099 pages.

Malla, R. B., Binienda, K., and Maji, A. (Editors), Earth & Space 2006 – Engineering Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments, (Proceedings, 10th ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments and  2nd NASA/ARO/ASCE Workshop on Granular Materials in Lunar and Martian Environments, League City/Houston, TX, March 05-08, 2006); published by ASCE, Reston, VA, March 2006; ISBN 0-7844-0830-0 (CD ROM).

Malla, R. and Maji, A. (Eds.), Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments – Earth & Space 2004 (Proceedings of the 9th ASCE Aerospace Division International  Conference on Engineering, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments held March 07-10, 2004; League City/Houston, TX);  published by ASCE, Reston, VA; March 2004, 1061 pp.  (ISBN 0-7844-0722-3).

Malla, R. (Guest Editor), Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 2, ASCE, April 1998.

Malla, R. (ed.), Dynamic Response and Progressive Failure of Special Structures, (a special volume containing refereed technical papers presented at the 1st Joint ASCE-ASME-SES Meeting, Charlottesville, VA, June 06-09, 1993), ASCE, New York, Dec. 1993 ( ISBN # 0-87262-946-5).

Dynamics Response of Lattice Towers and Guyed Masts (Prepared by Task Committee on the Dynamics Response of Lattice Towers; Technical Committee on Special Structures, ASCE/Structural Engineering Institute; edited by Murty K.S. Madugula, Task Committee Chair), ISBN 0-7844-0599-9. ASCE, Reston, VA,  January 2002, 288pp  (Contribution in Chapters).

Malla, R. and Serrette, R., “Chapter 3: Analysis Methods for Double Layer Grids,”Guidelines for the Design of Double-Layer Grids (a special publication of the Committee on Double-Layer Grids of ASCE/Committee on Special Structures), ASCE, New York, August 1997, pp 3-1 through 3-25 (Book Chapter).

Malla, R. and Ghoshal, A., “Thermally-Induced Vibrations of Structures in Space,”in Aerospace Thermal Structures and Materials for a New Era(E.A. Thornton, Ed.), Chapt. 1, AIAA, Washington, D.C., Nov. 1995, pp 68-95 (Invited contribution).

(B) Selected Journal and Conference Papers:
(Out of more that 130 publications)


Chuong, B. and Malla, R.B. “Study of Yielding Zone on Reinforced Concrete Bridge Parapet Design for Vehicular Impact” Transportation Research Record (TRR) -Journal of Transportation Research Board (TRB), March 2022, 1-13 ( DOI: 10.1177/03611981221082568; published online, March 30, 2022)

Jacobs, D.W., Dhakal, S., and Malla, R. B  “Live Load Response of Eyebars on a 110-year-old Steel Truss Railroad Bridge,”  , ASCE Journal/ Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 2021, 26(1): 04020045, 1-16, September 24, 2020 (DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000523)

Aryal, R., Dokou, Z., Malla, R., and Bagtzoglou, A., “Design Optimization of a Small-scale Hydropower Harvesting Device,” Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 61, No. 3, 2020,  1303-1318 .

Jacobs, D. and Malla, R. B., “On Live Load Impact Factors for Railroad Bridges” International J. of Rail Transportation, April 2019; DOI: 10.1080/23248378.2019.1604182  (online:

Malla, R. B. and Vila, J. “Dynamic Impact Force in an Axial Member with Coupled Effects of Structural Vibration and Various Support Conditions,” Engineering Structures. Vol. 144, May, 2017: 210-224 (online –

Vila, L. and Malla, R., “Elasto-Plastic Contact Force due to Repeated Longitudinal Impacts on a Novel Percussive Drill,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics. Vol. 142,
Issue 10, October 2016, 10 pages. (online –

Vila, L. and Malla, R., “Dynamic Impact Force on a Special Drilling Mechanism for Planetary Exploration,” ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 29, no. 4, July 2016, 10 pages (online –

Vila, Luis. and Malla, Ramesh B. “Analytical Model of the Contact Interaction between the Components of a Special Percussive Mechanism for Planetary Exploration,” Acta Astronautica Journal, Vol. 118, Jan-Feb 2016, 158-167 (online –

Malla, Ramesh B. and Brown, Kevin., “Determination of Temperature Variation on Lunar Surface and Subsurface for Habitat Analysis and Design,”Acta Astronautica, Vol. 107, Feb-Mar 2015, 196-207 (online:

Malla, Ramesh B., Schillinger, Dominik., and Vila, Luis, “Experimental determination of friction coefficient and mobilization force for a laterally confined granular column,”Granular Matter, Vol. 16, Num. 6, December 2014; 843-855 (DOI 10.1007/s10035-014-0531-3) (online:

Malla, Ramesh B., Anandakumar, Ganesh, and Ahn, Jaehun, “Experimental, Numerical, and Analytical Studies of Stress and Displacement in a Full-Scale Bed of Activated Alumina Granular Material for Water Processing in Space Life Support System,”J. of Aerospace Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA, Vol. 27, Num. 2; March 2014; pp 336-346 (Online:>

Malla, Ramesh B. and Gionet, Thomas, ”Dynamic Response of a Pressurized Frame-Membrane Lunar Structure with Regolith Cover Subjected to Impact Load,”J. of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 26 , Num. 4, ASCE, Reston, VA; October 2013; pp 855-873,(online:

Swanson, B. J. , Malla, R. B., and Shaw, M.T., “Laboratory Testing, Field Installation, and Monitoring of a Silicone Foam Sealant for Bridge Expansion Joints,”J. Bridge Engineering, Vol. 18, Num. 8, ASCE, Reston, VA ; August 2013 ; pp 758-767 plus 7 pages (S1-S7) of accompany Supplemental Data at : )

Malla, Ramesh B., Gopal, Jagdeesh, and Ahn, Jaehun, “Mechanical Behavior of Water De-Ionizing Granular Material Bed for Space Life Support System, ”J. of Engineering Mechanics,Vol. 139, Issue 5, ASCE, Reston, VA ; May 2013 ; pp 650-663  (Online: )

Naik, Shivangi, Malla, Ramesh, B., Shaw, Montgomery, and Chaudhuri, Bodhisattwa, “Investigation of comminution in a Wiley Mill: Experiments and DEM Simulations,”J. of Powder Technology,Vol. 237, March 2013, 338-354 (Online:

Swanson, B. J. , Malla, R. B., and Shaw, M.T.,”Laboratory Testing, Field Installation, and Monitoring of a Silicone Foam Sealant for Bridge Expansion Joints,”J. Bridge Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA (Online:

Malla, Ramesh B., Anandakumar, Ganesh, and Ahn, Jaehun, “Experimental, Numerical, Analytical Studies of Stress and Displacement in a Full-Scale Bed of Activated Alumina Granular Material for Water Processing in Space Life Support System,”J.of Aerospace Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA  (Online: )

Malla, Ramesh B. and Gionet, Thomas, ”Dynamic Response of a Pressurized Frame-Membrane Lunar Structure with Regolith Cover Subjected to Impact Load,”J. of Aerospace Engineering, ASCE, Reston, VA (Online: )

Malla, Ramesh B., Swanson, Brian J., and Shaw, Montgomery T., “Laboratory Evaluation of a Silicone Foam Sealant Bonded to Various Header Materials used in Bridge Expansion Joints,” “Construction and Building Materials – An Internat. Jour., Vol.25, Num. 11, Nov. 2011, 4132-4143 ( Online

Malla, R.B., Agarwal, P. and Ahmad, R. “Dynamic Analysis Methodology for Progressive Failure of Truss Structures Considering Inelastic Postbuckling Cyclic Member Behavior,”Engineering Structures – An International Journal,Engineering Structures,Vol. 33, No. 5, May2011,  pp 1503-1533 (Online:.,)

Malla, R. B., Shrestha, B., Bagtzoglou, A., Drasdis, J., and Johnson, P., “Hydropower harvesting from a small scale reciprocating system,”Renewable Energy – An International Journal, Vol. 36, Issue 5, May 2011, pp 1568-1577. (Online –

Malla, Ramesh B., Shrestha, Matu R., Shaw, Montgomery T., and Brijmohan, Smita. “Temperature Aging, Compression Recovery, Creep, and Weathering of a Foam Silicone Sealant for Bridge Expansion Joints.”J. of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol 23, No. 3, March 2011, pp 287-298. (Online,

Schillinger, D. and Malla, R., “Analytical Elastic Solution Based on Fourier Series for a Laterally Confined Granular Column,”  J. of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 134, No. 11,  ASCE, Reston, VA, Nov. 2008, pp 937-951. (Online-

Malla, R., and Joshi, Shraddha, “Subgrade Resilient Modulus Prediction Models for Coarse and Fine Grained Soils based on Long-Term Pavement Performance Data,”International J. of Pavement Engineering,  Vol. 9, No. 6, Taylor  and Francis Group, London, UK, Dec. 2008, pp 431-444.(Online:

Malla, R., B. and Anandakumar, G., “Experimental Studies of Load-Displacement Behavior of Water Processing Granular Activated Alumina Packed Beds for Space Life Support Systems,” Habitation – An International Journal for Human Support Research,Vol. 11, No. 4, Cognizant Communication Corp., N.Y., pp 149-162 (online,

Malla, R.,  Sen, A., and Garrick, N., “A Special Fiber Optic Sensor for Measuring Wheel Loads of Vehicles on Highways,”Sensors Jour.,  Vol. 8, No. 4, MDPI, Switzerland, April 2008, pp 2551-2568 (Online,

Malla, R., and Joshi, S., “Resilient Modulus Prediction Models Based on Analysis of LTPP Data for  Subgrade Soils and Experimental Verification,”ASCE J. of Transportation Engineering,  Vol. 133, No. 9, ASCE, Reston, VA, Sept. 2007, pp 491-504. (Online —

Malla, R., Shaw, M., Shrestha, M., and Brijmohan, S.B., “Development and Laboratory Analysis of Silicone Foam Sealant for Bridge Expansion Joints,”J. of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 4, ASCE, Reston, VA, July/Aug 2007, pp 438-448.(Online —

Cross, M., Majumdar, A., Bennett, J., and Malla, R., “Modeling of Chill Down in Cryogenic Transfer Lines,”J. of Spacecraft and Rockets, AIAA,  39(2), March-Apr. 2002, pp 184-189 (Online

Malla, R. and Nalluri, B., “Dynamic Nonlinear Member Failure Propagation in Truss Structures,”Structural Engineering and Mechanics- An International Journal, Techno-Press, 9(2), Feb., 2000, pp111-126.

Malla, R., Abid-Jahromi, and Accorsi, M. “Passive Vibration Suppression in Truss-Type Structures with Tubular Members,”J. of Spacecraft and Rockets, AIAA, 37(1), Jan-Feb.,2000, pp 86-92.(Online —

Adib-Jahromi, H., Malla, R., and Accorsi, M., “Constrained Layer Damping of Tubular Truss Members,”AIAA Journal, AIAA, Washington, D.C., Vol. 34, No. 7, August 1996, pp 1487-1493.(Online —

Malla, R., and Serrette, R., “Double Layer Grids: A Review of Static and Thermal Analysis Methods,”J. of Structural Engineering, ASCE, New York, Vol. 122, No. 8, Aug. 1996, pp 873-881(Online —

Malla, R., and Serrette, R., “Double Layer Grids: A Review of Dynamic Analysis Methods and Special Topics,”J. of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 122, No. 8, Aug. 1996, pp 882-892.(Online

Malla, R., Adib-Jahromi, H., and Accorsi, M., “A Simplified Design Method for Braced Double Skinned Structure in Lunar Application,”J. of Aerospace Eng., ASCE, 8(4), Oct. 1995, pp 189-195.(Online —

Malla, R., Wang, B., and Nalluri, B., “Dynamic Response of Trusses Under Member Failure using Pseudo-Force Method,”Int. J. of Space Struct., 10(2), Sept. 1995, pp 99-112.

Malla, R. and Pai, S., “Probabilistic Response of a Truss-Type Space Structure with Joint and Member Imperfections,”J. of  Spacecraft & Rockets,32(5), AIAA, Sept.-Oct. 1995.(Online —

Malla, R. and Nalluri, B., “Dynamic Effects of Members Failure on Response of Truss Type Space Structures,”J. of Spacecraft and Rockets, 32(3), AIAA, May-Jun. 1995, pp 545-551.(Online

Malla, R., “Structural and Orbital Conditions on Response of Large Space Structures,”J. of Aerospace Eng., 6(2), ASCE, April 1993, pp 115-132.(Online –>

ASCE Task Committee, “Overview of Existing Lunar Base Structural Concepts,” (with Task Comm. on Lunar Base Structures, Aerospace Div., ASCE,), J. of Aerospace Eng., 5(2), ASCE, Apr. 1992, pp. 159-174. (Online

Malla, R., “Earth‑Bound Civil Engineering Experience for Space Applications,”J. of Aerospace Eng., 4(4), ASCE, Oct. 1991, pp 330-346.(Online —

Malla, R., Nash, W., and Lardner, T., “Motion and Deformation of Very Large Space Structures,”AIAA J., 27(3), Mar.1989, pp 374‑376.(Online —

Malla, R., Nash, W., and Lardner, T., “Thermal Effects on Very Large Space Structures,”J. of Aerospace Eng., 1(3), ASCE, July 1988, pp 171‑190.(Online —



Tripathi, S., Steiner, J.T., and Malla, R. B. “Temperature Profile on the surface and through the thickness of a Dome Habitat Structure on the moon,”  Paper# IAC-21-A5.1.17,  Procs., 72nd International Astronautical Congress,  IAF, Paris, France;  October 2021, pp 1-6. (

Steiner, J. and Malla, R. B., “A Study of Layered Structural Configurations as Thermal and Impact Shielding of Lunar Habitats,” Proceedings, Earth & Space 2021 – 17th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science,  Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments; ASCE, Reston, VA; April 2021;  1285-1296 (peer reviewed, full-length paper) <>.

 Dyke, S.J, Marais, K., Bilionis, I., Werfel, J. and Malla, R. “Strategies for the design and operation of resilient extraterrestrial habitats,” (Keynote Paper) Proc. SPIE 11591, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2021, 1159105 (26 March 2021), 12 pages; doi: 10.1117/12.2585118

 Jacobs, D.W., Dhakal, S.,  and Malla, R. B., “Behavior of Eyebars on a 110-year-old Truss Railroad Bridge,” Proceedings, International Bridge Conference, Engineers’ Society of Western Pennsylvania (ESWP), Pittsburgh, PA; Aug. 2019; 592-599 (Full-length- reviewed)

Dhakal, S. and Malla, R. B., “Determination of Natural Frequencies of a Steel Railroad Bridge Using Onboard Sensors,” Proceedings, Earth & Space 2018 – Engineering, Science,  Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments,  ASCE, Reston, VA;  Nov 2018; 1034-1046  (Full-length  peer reviewed).

O’Donnell, F. and Malla, R.B., “Lunar Environmental and Construction Challenges and a Proposed Semi-Circular Frame Membrane Habitat,” Proceedings,  AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition  2017 (AIAA SciTech 2017)/ 55th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting, Paper# AIAA-2017-1446,  AIAA, Reston, VA; January 2017; 14 pages ( Full-length ).

Malla, R. B. and Vila, L “Impact and Dynamic Analysis of an Ultrasonic Percussive Drill for Aerospace Applications, ” Procs., ASCE Aerospace Division 15th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and operations in Challenging Environments (Earth & Space 2016),  ASCE, Reston, VA, 2016, 734-742; ISBN 9780784479971;(online: Full-length, peer reviewed)

Malla, R., Baniya, S., and Jacobs, D. “Study of Dynamic and Static Response of an Old Truss Railroad Bridge,” Procs., ASCE Aerospace Division 15th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and operations in Challenging Environments (Earth & Space 2016), ASCE, Reston, VA, 2016,  1052-1062 (10 pages); ISBN 9780784479971; (online: ( Full-length, peer reviewed)

Malla, R. and Vila, L., “Dynamic Elasto-Plastic Impact Force in a Special Planetary Drilling Mechanism,” AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2016 (AIAA SciTech 2016 Forum)/54th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting, held in San Diego, CA: January 3-6, 2016 /published by AIAA, Reston, VA; January 2015; 7 pages ( Full-length )- Published.

Jacobs, D.W., Dhakal, S., Malla, R. and Wu, Z., “Need for development of robust software tool for steel railroad bridge rating,” Maintenance, Monitoring, Safety, Risk and Resilience of Bridges and Bridge Networks-( Procs of 8th IABMAS Conference held in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil; June 26-30, 2016), published by Taylor & Francis Group, London, U.K., June 2016; 1438-1442.

Vila, L. and Malla, R. B., “Longitudinal Impact Force on a Special Drill for Planetary Exploration,” ,” Earth & Space 2014 – Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments (Eds. L.Gertsch and R. Malla) (Proceedings, 14th Biennial ASCE Aerospace Div. International Conf. on Engineering, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments (Earth & Space 2014), St. Louis, MO, October 27-29, 2014) ; published by ASCE, Reston, VA; ISBN 978-0-7844-7917-9; June 2015; 404-413 (Full-length, peer reviewed ) .

Brown, K. and Malla, R. B., “Effects of Temperature Gradients on the Design of a Frame-Membrane Lunar Habitat,” Earth & Space 2014 – Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments (Eds. L.Gertsch and R. Malla) (Proceedings, 14th Biennial ASCE Aerospace Div. International Conf. on Engineering, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments (Earth & Space 2014), St. Louis, MO, October 27-29, 2014) ; published by ASCE, Reston, VA; ISBN 978-0-7844-7917-9; June 2015; 663-672 (Full-length, peer reviewed ) (online:

Vila, L. and Malla, R. B., “Analysis of the Hammering Mechanism of a Special Percussive System for Planetary Exploration,” Paper ID #1744512; Proceedings, AIAA SciTech 2014 Forum/55th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference (held In National Harbor, MD: Jan. 13-17, 2014), AIAA, Reston, VA; published January 2014;11 Pages (Full-length paper, Online Proceedings.) (Full-length ).

Vila, Luis and Malla, Ramesh B. , “Dynamic and Contact Analysis of a Special Percussive Mechanism for Planetary Subsurface Exploration,” #AIAA 2013-1885, Proceedings, the 54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference (held in Boston, MA, April 08-11, 2013), published by AIAA, Reston, VA, April 2013, 11 Pages (Full-length paper, Online Proceedings.) (Full-length ).

Jacobs, David and Malla, Ramesh B., “Review of Live Load Impact Factor for Existing Truss Railroad Bridges in the United States,” Paper # JRC2013-2567; Proceedings, Joint Rail Conference (held in Knoxvill, TN; April 15-18, 2013); published by Am Soc. Of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), New York, NY, April 2013 (9 pages) (Full-Length, peer reviewed).

Shrestha, Binu, Malla, Ramesh B., and Gupta, Manish K, ” Pavement Longitudinal Joint Construction Methods and Comparison of Mat and Joint Densities of a Local Street,”Proceedings  of the 2012 Joint Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute and the 11th ASCE Joint Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability  (EMI/PMC 2012  Conference); June 17-20,  2012, Notre Dame, IN; 8 pages..

Malla, R. B., Shrestha, B. and Zacny, K., “Stress and Displacement Propagation in a Drilling Tube due to Rebounding and Non-rebounding Hammer Impact Mechanisms,”Earth & Space 2012 – Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments,(Eds. K. Zacny, Malla, R., and Binienda, W.)(Proceedings, 13th ASCE Aerospace Div. International Conf. on Engineering, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments (Earth  & Space 2012), Pasadena, CA, April 15-18, 2012); published by ASCE, Reston, VA; ISBN 978-0-7844-1219-0; April 2012; pp 572-582.

Malla, R. B. and Brown, K., “Frequency Analysis of a Frame-Membrane Lunar Habitat Considering Extreme Temperatures and Internal Pressure,”Earth & Space 2012 – Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments,(Eds. K. Zacny, Malla, R., and Binienda, W.)(Proceedings, 13th ASCE Aerospace Div. International Conf. on Engineering, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments (Earth  & Space 2012), Pasadena, CA, April 15-18, 2012); published by ASCE, Reston, VA; ISBN 978-0-7844-1219-0; April 2012; pp 1400-1412. .

Malla, R.B., Brown, K. and Filburn, T. “Structural Design of Frame-Membrane Habitat Concepts Considering Life Support Requirements for Lunar Colonization,”Proceedings, 41stInternational Conf. on Environmental Sciences(ICES 2011, Portland, OR, July 17-21, 2011), published by AIAA, Reston, VA; July 2011; 13 pages(Refereed, Full-length).

Filburn, T., Malla, R.B+., Smith, J., Brown, K., Clark, A. and Geonovese, J. “”An Investigation into Life Support Systems for a Lunar Habitat,” Proceedings, 41st International Conf. on Environmental Sciences (ICES 2011, Portland, OR, July 17-21, 2011); published by AIAA, Reston, VA , July 2011, 14 pages (Refereed, Full-length)(+Corresponding author).

Malla, R. B. and Gionet, T. “Frequency and Impact Analysis of a Proposed Frame-Membrane Lunar Structure at Extreme Temperatures,”Paper #AIAA 2011-1998,Proceedings, the 52nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference (held in Denver. CO, April 04-07, 2011), published by AIAA, Reston, VA, April 2011, 22 Pages (Full-length paper, Online Proceedings.)

Shrestha, Bibek R., Malla R.B., Paulsen, G. and Zacny, K., ” Stress and Displacement Wave Propagation in a Percussive Tubular Mechanism in Presence of Geometric Discontinuity,” Paper #AIAA 2011-2180, Proceedings, the 52nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference(held in Denver. CO, April 04-07, 2011), published by AIAA, Reston, VA, April 2011, 12 Pages (Full-length paper, Online Proceedings.)

Malla, R. B., Swanson, B., and Shaw, M.T., “Laboratory Evaluation of a Silicone Foam Sealant for Field Application on Bridge Expansion Joints,”Proceedings,  the 2010 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Society of Experimental Mechanics (held in Indianapolis, IN; June 07-10, 2010), Bethel, CT, June 2010, 12 pages (CD ROM).

Malla, R.B., Shrestha, Bibek R. and Zacny, K., ” Stress and Displacement Wave Propagation in a Percussive Tubular Mechanism for Space Applications,” Paper #AIAA 2010-2785, Proceedings, the 51st  AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference(held in Orlando, FL; April 12-15, 2010), AIAA, Reston, VA, April 2010, 18 Pages (Online Proceedings.)

Malla, R., Shrestha, Bibek R., Paulsen, G., and Craft, J., “Variation in Wave Propagation in Lunar Percussive Drilling Instrument due to Presence of a Joint,”Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments(Proceedings, ASCE  Earth & Space 2010 Conference held in Honolulu, HI; March 14-17, 2010;  Eds. G. Song and R. Malla), ASCE, Reston, VA, March 2010, pp 1513-1524 (Invited).

Paulsen, G., Zacny, K., McKay, C., Shiraishi, L., Kriechbaum,K., Glass, B., Szczesiak, M., Santoro, C., Craft, J., Malla, R., and Maksymuk, M., “Rotary-Percussive Deep Drill for Planetary Applications,”Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments(Proceedings, ASCE  Earth & Space 2010 Conference held in Honolulu, HI; March 14-17, 2010;  Eds.: G. Song and R. Malla), ASCE, Reston, VA, March 2010, pp 1423-1436 (CD ROM).

Malla, R. B., Shrestha, Binu, Drasdis, J. , and Bagtzoglou, A., “Structural Analysis of Reciprocating Small Scale Hydropower System for Lift Force Estimation,” Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments(Proceedings, ASCE  Earth & Space 2010 Conference held in Honolulu, HI; March 14-17, 2010;  Eds.: G. Song and R. Malla), ASCE, Reston, VA, March 2010, pp 2228-2238 (CD ROM).

Malla, R. and Chaudhuri, D. “Dynamic Analysis of a 3-D Frame-Membrane Lunar Structure Subjected to Impact,”Proceedings, Earth & Space 2008 – 11th ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments, (held Long Beach, CA; March 3-5, 2008), ASCE , Reston, VA, March 2008, 10 pages.

Malla, R. and Schillinger, D. “Experimental Determination of Friction Coefficient and Mobilization Force in Granular Material Packed in a Cylinder,” Paper#411, Proceedings, SEM 2007 Annual Conference  and Exposition (held in Springfield, MA, June 04-06 2007), published by Society of Experimental Mechanics (SEM), Bethel CT, June 2007, 8 pages.

Malla, R. and Chaudhuri, D., “Effects of Pressurization on Frequencies and Impact response of Frame-Membrane Composite Structure ,” Proceedings, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Division (EMD)conference, Blacksburg, VA; June 04-06, 2007, 12 pages.

Schillinger, D. and Malla, R. , “Continuum Elastic Solution for an Axially Loaded Granular Medium Packed in a Cylinder ”Proceedings, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Division (EMD) Conference,Blacksburg, VA; June 04-06, 2007, 9 pages.

Shrestha, M. R., Malla, R. B., Boob, S. and Shaw, M. T., “Laboratory Evaluation of Weathering and Freeze-Thaw Effects on Silicone Foam Bridge Joint Sealant,” Paper #369, Proceedings, SEM 2006 Annual Conference and Exposition (held in St. Louis, MO, June 04-07, 2006), published by SEM, Bethel, CT, June 2006, 8pages.

Malla, R., and Agarwal, P., “Inelastic Dynamic Progressive Collapse Analysis of Truss Structures,”Proceedings, ASCE/SEI 2006 Structures Congress (held in St. Louis, MO, May 18-21, 2006), published by ASCE, Reston, VA, May 2006, 10 pages.

Agarwal, P. and Malla, R., “Nonlinear Dynamic Failure Analysis of Truss Structures at Normal and  Elevated Temperatures,”Paper # AIAA 2006-2102, Proceedings, 47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AMS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference (SDM 2006, held in Newport, RI, May 01-04, 2006), AIAA, Reston, VA, April 2006, 14 pages double column (Full-length).

Malla, R., and Anandakumar, G., “Determination of Stress and Deformation Variation in a Cylindrical Bed of Granular Materials with Applications in Space,”Earth & Space 2006 – Engineering Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments(Eds: R. Malla, W. Binienda, and A. Maji), Proceedings of the 10th ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference (held in League City/Houston, March 05-08, 2006), ASCE, Reston, VA , March 2006, 9 pages.

Malla, R., and Chaudhuri, D., “Analysis of 3D Frame-Membrane Structure for Lunar Base,”Earth & Space 2006 – Engineering Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments(Eds: R. Malla, W. Binienda, and A. Maji), Proceedings of the 10thASCE Aerospace Division International Conference (held in League City/Houston, TX, March 05-08, 2006), ASCE, Reston, VA , March 2006, 8 pages.

Joshi, Shraddha, and Malla, R., “Resilient Modulus of Subgrade Soils A-1-b, A-3, an A-7-6 using LTPP Data: Prediction Models with Experimental Verification,”Proceedings, ASCE GeoCongress 2006, (Atlanta, GA, Feb. 26-March 01, 2006), ASCE, Reston, VA; Feb. 2006, 6 pages.

Malla, R., Shrestha, M.,  Montgomery, S., and Boob, S., “Experimental Evaluation of Silicone Foam Sealant for Bridge Expansion Joints,”Proceedings, 2005 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition (held in Portland, OR, June 07-09, 2005), published by SEM, Bethel, CT, 8 pages.

Malla, R. and Agarwal, P., “Dynamic Analysis of Failure of Truss Structures with Elasto-Plastic Postbuckling Cyclic Member Behavior,” Proceedings of the 2005 Joint ASCE/ASME/SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials(McMat 2005), Baton Rouge, LA, June 01-03, 2005, 6 pages double column.

Malla, R. and Joshi, S., “Resilient Modulus Prediction Models for Some New England Subgrade Soils,”Proceedings, 2005 Joint ASCE/ASME/SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials (McMat 2005), Baton Rouge, LA, June 01-03, 2005; 6 pages double column.

Lin, C. and Malla, R., “Three Dimensional Dynamic Response of Flexible Structure in Orbit,”Paper# AIAA 2005-1941, Procs., 46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials (SDM) Conference (held in Austin, TX, April 18-21, 2005), published by AIAA, Reston, VA; 10 pages double column (Full-length).

Malla, R., Sen, A. and Garrick, N. “A Special  Dual Core Optical Fiber Sensor For Detecting Highway Vehicle Wheel Loads,”Proceedings of the 3rd Civil Engineering Conference in Asian Regions,  (3rd CECAR, held in  Seoul, Korea, Aug 16-19, 2004), published by The Asian Civil Engineering  Coordinating Council, Seoul, Korea, 2004,  pp 359-363 double column.

Deerungroj, E. and Malla, R. “Inner Core Bending Light Loss In A Special Dual-Core Optical Fiber,”  Proceedings of the SEM 2004 X International Congress,  (held in Costa Mesa, CA, June 07-09, 2004), published by SEM, Bethel, CT, 2004, 7 pages.

Lin, Chijie and  Malla, Ramesh, “Coupled Thermo-Structural Analysis of an Earth Orbiting Flexible Structure,” Paper#AIAA-2004-1793, Proceedings.,  AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference (held April 19-22, 2004, Palm Spring, CA); published by  AIAA, Reston, VA,  2004m 11 pages, double column (Full-length).

Malla, Ramesh B. and Lin, Chijie, “Structural Dynamic Response of a Solar Sail under Solar Pressure and Thermal Loading,”  Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments – Earth & Space 2004 (Eds. R. Malla and A. Maji); Proceedings of the 9th ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments(held March 07-10, 2004; League City/Houston, TX;  published by ASCE, Reston, VA; March 2004, pp 983-990.

Malla, R. and Anandakumar, A., “Force-Displacement Behavior of Activated Alumina Packed Beds for Water Processing Application in Space Life Support Systems,”Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments – Earth & Space 2004 (Eds. R. Malla and A. Maji); Procs. of the 9th ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments held March 07-10, 2004; League City/Houston, TX;  published by ASCE, Reston, VA; March 2004, pp 413-420.

Malla, R. and Anandakumar, A., “Effects of Initial Compaction on Load-Displacement Behavior of an Activated Alumina Bed for Water Processing Applications in Space,”Habitation – International Journal for Human Support Research, Vol. 9, No. 3/4, 2003, pp 122-123 (Abstract).

Malla, R. and Deerungroj, E., “Multiple Bending Loss Analysis of a Special Optical Fiber for Force Sensing,”Procs., ASCE Engineering Mechanics Division Conference, Seattle, WA, July 16-18, 2003, 10 pages.

Deerungroj, E. and Malla, R., “Analysis of a Specialized Optical Fiber for Load Sensing,”Procs, 12th Annual Symposium of Connecticut MicroElectronics and Optoelectronics (CMOC), Storrs, CT, April 09, 2003; pp 45-47.

Lin, C. and Malla, R., “Dynamics of Flexible Structures Under Jet Plume Loading in a Planar Orbit,”Paper #AIAA 2003-1592, Procs., 44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ACS Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials (SDM) Conference (held in  Norfolk, VA,  April 07-10, 2003),   published by AIAA, Reston, VA, April 2003, 11 pp double column  (Full-length).

Malla, R. and Lin, C., “A Finite Element Approach for Dynamics Response of Flexible Structures in Planar Orbit,”Paper no. IAC-02-I.2.03, Procs.;53rd International Astronautical Congress/The World Space Congress – 2002; 10-19 Oct 2002/Houston, Texas, Oct. 2002; 13 pages double column (Full-length).

Malla, R. and Gopal, J., “Experimental and Analytical Studies of Full-Scale Amberlite  Water De-Ionizing Bed for Space Applications,”Procs., ASCE Engineering Mechanics Division (EMD 2002) Conference(held in New York, NY, June 2-5, 2002),  ASCE, Reston, VA, 9 pages.

Malla, R. and Lin, C., “Dynamics of Flexible Structures in Orbit Under Jet Impingement Loading,”Paper #AIAA 2002-1507, Procs.,AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ACS Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials (SDM) Conference(held in Denver, CO, April 22-25, 2002),  published by AIAA, Reston, VA, Full-length, 9 pages double column (Full-length).

Malla, R. and Gopal, J., “Load and Deflection Characteristics of Water De-Ionizing Medium for Space Applications,”Procs., SPACE 2002 & ROBOTICS 2002 Conference, (held in Albuquerque, NM, March 17-21, 2002), ASCE, Reston, VA, pp 356-364.

Quagliaroli, Jessica and Malla, Ramesh B., “In-House Testing of Thermal Material for Space Application,”Paper# AIAA 2001-1450, AIAA/ASCE/ASME/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference (held in Seattle, WA,  April 16-19, 2001), published by AIAA, Reston, VA, 10 pp double column (Student Paper, Full-length).

Malla, R., Garrick, N., Sen, A., and Dua, P., “A Dual Core Forward Time Division Multiplexing Optical Fiber for Weigh-in-Motion Sensing,” Fiber Optic Sensors for Construction Materials and Bridges, (F. Ansari, Ed.),Technomic Publishing Co., Lancaster, PA, May, 1998; pp 251-262 .