
Teaching Interests: Graduate and undergraduate courses in theoretical and applied Structural  mechanics and engineering:

  • Structural Dynamics and Vibrations.                         • Random Vibrations.
  • Earthquake Engineering.                                           • Matrix Analysis of Structures.
  • Advanced/Basic Mechanics of Materials .                 • Elasticity.
  • Structural Analysis.                                                    • Structural Stability.
  • Numerical Methods. Finite Elements.


Undergraduate Courses taught:

  • Introduction to Engineering I                                  • Elements of Applied Mechanics
  • Introduction to Engineering II                                 • Mechanics of Materials
  • Applied Mechanics I: Statics                                  • Basic Structural Analysis
  • Applied Mechanics II: Dynamics                            • Basic Structural Design
  • Earthquake Engineering
  • Foundation Design
  • CE Undergraduate  Independent Study: Structural Analysis with computer
  • CE Undergraduate Independent Study: Computer Analysis of Double Layer Grids
  • CE Undergraduate Independent Study: Force-Deformation Behavior of  Granular Beds for Water Processing
  • CE Undergraduate Independent Study: Honors Thesis – Ecologically Sustainable Building Design (Spring&Fall 2008)
  • CE Undergraduate Independent Study: Honors Thesis – Analysis of Highway Cantilever structures. (Spring 2009)
  • CE Undergraduate Independent Study: Electric Power Generation from Beam Vibration (Spring 2010)


Graduate courses taught:

  • Structural Vibrations
  • Applied Elasticity
  • Advanced Mechanics of Materials
  • Earthquake Engineering
  • Matrix Analysis of Structures
  • CE Graduate Independent Study: Spacecraft Dynamics
  • CE Graduate Independent Study: Strengthening Concrete Bridge Piers with Carbon Fiber Reinforcement (2004-2006).
  • CE Graduate Independent Study: Analysis of Pavement Slabs with Edge Openings due to Catch Basin (Fall 2009)